Qantas Unions


The website of the Australian unions in the Qantas Group



Latest news 



Urine drug testing “unjust and unreasonable” says umpire

All Qantas employees will be aware of the company’s proposal to introduce urine testing for drugs and alcohol – and your unions’ campaign against it. A recent case by a full bench of the Australian Industrial Relations Commission (AIRC) determined that saliva testing is a better and fairer way than urine testing. 19 June 2009... Download Bulletin



Qantas Workers: Charter of Workplace Drug and Alcohol Management Info Sessions

Your unions are concerned that Qantas Management have stated to implement an unfair Drug and Alcohol (DOA) testing regime. 9 March 2009... Download Bulletin



Drug and Alcohol Testing Update and Mass Meetings

In December last year Qantas Management stated to implement a new Drug and Alcohol (DOA) testing regime with very little union consultation. 27 February 2009... Download Bulletin



Qantas seeks to impose more Drug and Alcohol Testing

Qantas Group Management has written to each of your unions to inform us that they want to implement a new Drug and Alcohol testing regime. December 4, 2008 ... Download Bulletin



Qantas management and unions agree to hold more talks

Qantas management and unions have agreed to hold more talks next week in a bid to resolve the pay dispute between the licensed aircraft maintenance engineers and the company. June 11, 2008 ... Download Bulletin



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Last modified date: 19 June 2009
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Authorised and published by Sharan Burrow, ACTU,

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Melbourne, Victoria, 3000, Australia