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Public Sector

This edition contains a summary of blog items published by Greg McLean in the previous calendar month. Items cover the areas of local government, energy and water, rail and public transport, international news including trade agreements, privatisation and general public sector matters. The articles all relate to the blog of…
The community has been told over many years that outsourcing council work results in savings that the community benefits from. However, yet another independent report has revealed those savings to be "often illusory" and the exercise accompanied by "a host of unforseen problems". In the wake of these findings (that…
This edition contains a summary of blog items published by Greg McLean in the previous calendar month. Items cover the areas of local government, energy and water, rail and public transport, international news including trade agreements, privatisation and general public sector matters. The articles all relate to the blog of…
This edition contains the following items: Budget freeze on child care funding; ARA advises of new railway maps; Government must provide more money to early childhood care; PIAC challenges electricity networks spending plans; Rugby league heroes Brent Tate and Josh Reynolds back weekend rates and unions; Public Infrastructure - release…
This week, amidst hectic political manoeuvrings over various Abbott Government proposals, the Senate saw through its privatisation push, amending their bill substantially. It is a start at stopping the states and territories being economically blackmailed to privatise their assets with a 15% bonus - well done Senators for seeing through…
This edition contains the following items: #BustTheBudget rallies; Time to heed electricity privatisation lessons; E-Oz Annual Conference; Child care regulation is not red tape; Retail win for young workers; Help lay a solid foundation for the union movement in the Pacific into the future; NSW: Stop the power sell off;…
From the south to the north, Public Services International affiliate unions are working together across borders to end tax havens, tax avoidance and corruption, and to bring in progressive tax systems that are properly resourced and enforced. Tax justice enables public spending for the common good, and provides the means…
An independent report by the Public Services International Research Unit (PSIRU), shows that there are a range of issues with privatisation using the shared services model. The same model is being pushed in some local government areas in Australia. The report "Shared Services - setting unrealistic expectations" by Yuliya Yurchenko…
This edition contains the following items: Senators grill Government about local government cuts; Push for reform as parents pay more for early childhood education and care; E-OZ and asbestos e-learning package; Local Resilience to Climate Change - Australia; Councils counting the cost of Budget decisions; Public Infrastructure: completion of inquiry;…
In last night’s Budget the Federal Government tried to sweeten the state government pot. The formula to top up state assets with resources obtained from the privatisation of Medibank, recently discussed between state governments and the Commonwealth, might sound a good idea, but it will have a negative effect on…