National Conference 2022

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The biennial ASU National Conference will be held in 2022 in Tweed Heads, New South Wales, from Wednesday 9 November to Friday 11 November at Twin Towns Conference & Function Centre.



ASU Conference Welcome Reception – Sponsored by HESTA:

  • Held on the evening of Wednesday, 9 November 2022 at 5:45pm - 7:45pm, in the Stars room on Level 5 at the Conference venue.

ASU Conference Women’s Lunch – Sponsored by Care Super:

  • The Women’s Lunch which will be held on Thursday, 10 November 2022 at 12:30pm - 2:00pm, in the Horizons room on Level 3 at the Conference venue.

ASU Conference Dinner and Delegate of The Year Awards - Sponsored by Australian Super:

  • The Conference Dinner which will be held on the evening of Thursday, 10 November 2022 commencing with pre dinner drinks at 6.50pm then dinner at 7.30pm - 10.45pm, at the same venue in the Showroom.


The National Delegate of the Year Award is presented biennially at the ASU National Conference. It recognises in all nominees the dedication and spirit that makes the union movement great through its activists. Brought to you by Australian Super, generous sponsor of the 2022 Awards.


Essential Energy

Daniel Welsh, USU Senior Delegate at Essential Energy has shown exceptional skills representing the Union’s members at his workplace as well as others in the Energy industry. This was recognised at the Branch’s Conference where he won the title of Delegate of the Year.

Daniel has been an essential part of the local Enterprise Agreement negotiations, mapping of workplaces, development of policies, bringing awareness of deep-seated bullying & harassment, fighting job cuts in the energy industry and keeping up communication and inclusion for all members.

Daniel is a true leader because he is professional, articulate, strong, listens, is empathetic, has the ability to collaborate and work with others, recognising, encouraging, and praising their strengths and most importantly has very well-developed principles around fairness and respect for others.


Branch Nomination
Queensland (Services & Northern Administrative) Branch Michael Anderson
Western Australian Branch Allan Jauncey
Queensland Together Jamie Parker
New South Wales & ACT (Services) Branch Julie Perkins
Victorian & Tasmanian Authorities & Services Branch Michael (Mike) Radin
NSW United Services Branch Daniel Welsh
South Australian & NT Branch Vanessa Wood

Life Membership of the Union is bestowed on members in recognition of their dedication over the years to the Australian Services Union.


Branch Nomination
Western Australian Branch Stephen (Steve) Arnold
New South Wales & ACT (Services) Branch Martin Davis
Queensland Together Vivienne Doogan
Queensland Together Kate Flanders
Queensland (Services & Northern Administrative) Branch Lynette (Lindy) Henson
Victorian & Tasmanian Authorities & Services Branch Michelle Jackson
South Australian Branch Ian Kinlough
South Australian Branch Brenton Medlin
NSW United Services Branch David McDonald
Queensland (Services & Northern Administrative) Branch John Payne
Western Australian Branch Nigel Rainford
Queensland (Services & Northern Administrative) Branch David Smith
Western Australian Branch Andrew (Andy) White

Click "HERE" to do the Evaluation Survey Evaluation Survey or Scan the QR Code QR code TS3MFR7Conf2022


Our generous sponsors

Please click on the logos to visit their websites

Aus Super Logo Horiz Pos CMYK CARESUPER HOR FULLCOLOUR RGB HESTA Logo Industry LockUp RGB Digital
VisionSuper Rel1 BlueDark RGB Active Super Logo CMYK metlife eng logo rgb
Hall Payne Lawyers Logo PARTNERVEST LOGO Member Advantage Logo CMYK Pos 01
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