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ASU Campaigns


Strong Unions Need Women! Legislation was passed nearly forty years ago for women to receive equal pay. However, women in full time paid work still earn 18% less, are more likely to have a tertiary qualification but retire with less than 50% superannuation savings compared with men. Unions, in particular strong union women, have been integral to campaigns, lobbying and protests for paid parental leave, universal suffrage, equal pay, and workplace rights facilitating other family and care responsibilities. We have come a ...

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Minimum Wage & Award Safety Net Review

Making a minimum wage a living wage Each year, unions apply to increase minimum wage rates during the Fair Work Commission's annual wage review process. This is to ensure that both the National Minimum Wage and the award safety net keep pace with the rising cost of living. Not all employees are in workplaces where enterprise bargaining is the main engine driving pay increases, so the safety net review is critical to ensure all workers keep pace with inflation and receive ...

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Occupational Health & Safety

Occupational Health and Safety, or OHS, is something many workers take for granted but the ASU believes it is a core workplace issue. We think that all employers should show the same high standards of care towards their employees, but this is not always the case. As workplaces differ, so do the tasks required of employees, and so do laws and regulations across the country. For ASU members needing assistance with OHS matters it is important that you contact your Branch ...

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Life & Family Friendly Workplaces

Making workplaces life and family friendly We work to live, not live to work, so ensuring that workplaces don't adversely affect our private lives and actually support better communities, is something unions have fought for over generations. Even the introduction of the Minimum Wage in Australia was based on supporting family needs with a living wage. In more recent years, campaigns have focussed on paid parental leave, the right to access flexible work arrangments and special provisions for workers experiencing violence at ...

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