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Bupa negotiations commenced late December 2017!

23 January 2018 By ASU

The ASU has met with Bupa management twice since December. The FSU and ERC representatives have also participated at the meetings.

The claims

The ASU claims tabled for the negotiation have been conservative. Where we have agreed with the claims of other parties, the ASU has joined those claims.

A Fair Wage and Superannuation Outcome

  • Annual salary increase of 3% p.a.
  • Ensure an employer funded Superannuation contribution is paid on all periods of paid Parental Leave.

Fair Pay Outcomes

  • Introduce consultation on the setting of KPI targets and the consideration of personal circumstances as factors impacting on an employee’s ability to meet targets.
  • Where there is an expectation that staff travel to achieve targets, a Bupa vehicle will be provided.
  • Equalise pay for long term employees in customer service roles, with the commencement salaries of new employees on higher entry rates of pay (Brisbane).

Fairness and security at work

  • No change to current provisions for Sunday work.
  • Allow employees entitled to a 15 minute break per normal work day, to elect to take two paid 10 minutes breaks.
  • Increase employer paid Parental Leave - Primary Carer leave to 15 weeks.
  • Improve access to leave arrangements including access to Personal Leave; and, special leave for the purposes of responding to Family and Domestic Violence by increasing leave available to 10 days per year for paid Special Leave.

ASU concerns

The nature of negotiations so far has been the discussion of issues and claims.

This is because some responses to some issues have been given but the detail to support those responses remains to be seen.

Reduction to the current Redundancy package

The ASU knows that Bupa employees have been dealing with the expectations of “transformation” at Bupa. Keeping up with the pace of change is to be commended.

It therefore concerns us that Bupa are proposing to reduce your current redundancy package.

When management tabled the proposal, the impact was minimised. Bupa said that based on staff feedback, they want to fix an anomaly with how the package is worded.

However, the real impact of the change is you will lose 4 weeks of your current entitlement. You are currently entitled to 8 weeks’ notice of termination and the severance benefits detailed in clause 26.4 of your Agreement. Bupa want to reduce the notice period to 4 weeks. They also want to make periods for consultation with you less specific.

Regardless of your salary range, the monetary impact that will have on you is significant and being less clear about consultation is not ideal when you are faced with the prospect of termination. The ASU does not believe staff want their Redundancy package to change.

The Agreement should recognise how staff make Bupa successful

Talk about working harder and getting less for it is very topical at the moment. So far, Bupa have offered annual salary pool increases that roughly match the current average wage forecast across all industries, for the next three years.

Bupa employees also understand that as prices rise, salaries need to keep up or the real purchasing power of their incomes drops. Bupa employees would be hearing the same from their customers.

The truth is the cost of essential items has been outstripping CPI:


Next steps

Key things to think about when considering a new package of Agreement conditions includes remuneration and improved conditions. Bupa are seeking changes to redundancy and Sunday work that will have a significant impact on you.

It’s important to us to hear your views about the EBA. If you’re not a member of the ASU, you can join online now at our secure form:

You have any questions about any of the above, contact your local organiser (download the full bulletin below for details)

icon Bupa Bulletin, 23 January 2018

Contact Details
Name: David Smith, National Secretary
Telephone: 03 9342 1400