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Moving closer to a better deal from REX

09 November 2017 By ASU

The Union and other interested parties met with REX on Tuesday 31st October. After further discussions including access to Annual Leave, Management have reviewed their final proposals. There is now only one clause (Appendix 1 Level4) to be completed before a final document is ready for members to consider.

The Final Management Offer To Date Is:

  • Rollover of the current Agreement with the following changes.
  • Duration (Clause 3) A 4 Year Term of Agreement.
  • Probation (Clause 7.2.2) Change review from 2, 4 and 6 to 3 and 6 monthly.
  • Shift Swaps (Clause 16.10) limited to 4 per fortnight and repaid within the current 28 day roster. (Reduction of repayment time from 90 days and definition of number per fortnight).
  • Overtime (Clause 18.15) Withdrawing of proposed change to Overtime Meal Money entitlement. Status Quo.
  • Recognition of Service and Experience (Appendix 1) CSO and CCC Senior Position Level 4: USU has requested that after five year service and experience in all areas all staff to become eligible for Level 4.

REX responded that they would remove the need to have coordination skills from criteria.

There was no guarantee that all those who met the criteria would get the Level 4.

Following Tuesday’s meeting Management will reconsider the eligibility for all who fill the criteria and have satisfactory performance record. Management will draft the wording for a clause and the criteria for consideration. (Still under negotiation)

(Appendix 1) Final Offer Minimum of 2.5% p.a. for 4 years increased in line with CPI for the corresponding year up to a maximum of 3 %.

Despite the Union’s constant restating of our claim for 3% Management have remained firm on a Companywide position of 2.5%.

The Union and Management have to meet again with delegates from all areas to finalise the Claim so that the revised Agreement can be put to staff to review.

Once the offer is finalised and confirmed members will be able to vote for the actual acceptance or rejection of the final Agreement.

You have any questions about any of the above, contact your local organiser (download the full bulletin below for details)

icon REX Bulletin, 9 November 2017

Contact Details
Name: Robert Potter, Assistant National Secretary
Telephone: 02 9283 9280