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Edging closer to an EBA deal for Dnata passenger services

03 June 2015 By ASU, the airlines industry union

Your ASU national negotiating team have been meeting with the company to try and finalise a deal. With 4 EBAs with different finish dates and different conditions and rates it is not a simple task – there are changes that you have told us you want to the EBAs to make them work better and we are working through these with the company.

We are also conscious that we need to ensure that staff get a decent payrise including back pay which includes a pay rise on base rates. We believe we are making progress on our key issues but that said there are still some critical issues outstanding – for example the company wants call in and call out shifts to be for 3 hours not the current 4 hours that they are presently.

Your negotiators are concerned that without proper protections and boundaries such a clause might result in all minimum shift hours being 3 hours not the current 4 hours as the new Workbridge roster system is rolled out across the country. It would be a backwards step if this happened so negotiations on this issue are very important.

What's next?

Our next meeting with the company is scheduled for 16 June 2015 in Sydney, we are also exchanging documents and doing drafting in the meantime and are very hopeful that after the next meeting we will be in a position to have meetings of ASU members to discuss where we have reached in the negotiations and whether we have a deal to recommend to members.

We know this has been a long process but we hope that soon there will be light at the end of the tunnel.

EOIs process continues

As previously reported Dnata has agreed to consult with the ASU about the EOI process and the restructuring they are proposing. We expect to have further meetings shortly and will keep you uptodate on what we learn and the positions that we put to the company on behalf of members.

Need more information?

If you have any questions contact your ASU delegates or organisers (download the bulletin below for details).

icon Dnata Bulletin #11 



Contact Details
Name: Linda White, ASU Assistant National Secretary
Telephone: 03 9342 1400