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AIA We’ve Won

11 October 2017 By ASU

Senior management have withdrawn their claim to include face to face and call centre fundraisers in the agreement. All AIA employees will continue to be employed on the same terms and conditions.

Congratulations to all the members and delegates who put in the hard work to get us here. Because we stood together and worked strategically, we have won a fair deal for all AIA employees.

What does this mean?

Senior management has asked to put an agreement to a vote of employees that reflects the in-principle agreement reached in June 2017.

We will update you once we have settled the final text of the EA with management.

What happens next?

We’re asking you to endorse this agreement at the members meeting today. If you endorse the deal, your bargaining reps will meet with senior management one more time to finalise the text of new EA.

After that, you will be asked to vote on the new agreement. If the vote is successful, the agreement will go to the Fair Work Commission for approval. Approval could take anywhere between a few weeks and a couple of months.

We’re confident that because the wages and conditions in the agreement are so far above the award, approval will come quickly. ASU staff will do everything in their power to expedite approval of the agreement.

More information

If you’re not a member of the ASU, you can join online now at our secure form:

You have any questions about any of the above, contact your local organiser (download the full bulletin below for details)

icon Amnesty International Australia Bulletin, 11 October 2017

Contact Details
Name: David Smith, National Secretary
Telephone: 03 9342 1400