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Media Statement: Royal Commission must look at systemic issues

13 March 2019 By ASU

The Australian Services Union today said the Royal Commission into the treatment and neglect of people with a disability was overdue.

“People with a disability, their families and carers have been raising issues about neglect and abuse for years and they have finally been heard,” said Assistant National Secretary of the Australian Services Union.

“Disability support workers are 100% behind the Royal Commission in its effort to uncover the huge problems in this sector. “We hope the Royal Commission will look at specific cases and examples of neglect but also provide an opportunity to review the systemic failures that have led to those cases.

“The system has failed people with disability, their families and carers with underfunding, undermining of the NDIS and no commitment to proper workforce development.

“A casualised workforce without provision for training and professional development fails workers and in turn creates risks for people with disability.”

Ms White said people with disability, their families and carers had put a lot of faith in the promise of the National Disability Insurance Scheme but the way this Government has rolled out the scheme and chronically underfunded it has undermined their faith.

“A Royal Commission is urgently needed and we’re sure it will shine a light on a litany of issues, including those created by this Government.”

She also called on the Government or a future Government not to use the Royal Commission as an excuse to delay tackling the issues we already know exist.

“We need to make the NDIS the best it can be and that means properly funding services and workforce development.

"A quality, professional & well trained workforce is essential to achieving the goal of delivering real choice and control for people with disabilities and respecting their rights."

Contact Details
Name: Tim O’Halloran
Telephone: 0409 059 617