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What will you #March4 tomorrow in rallies across Australia?

03 March 2015 By ASU

Thousands of concerned Australians will be marching tomorrow Wednesday 4 March in support of our rights at work, defending Medicare, for affordable university degrees, fairness for the vulnerable and numerous other reasons. What will you #March4 with the ASU as we participate in the rallies across the country? We're urging members and supporters with families and friends to join us to send a message to politicians everywhere that we will not accept attacks on our living standards and rights at work.

150303-march4-nda-1daytogoIt's going to be a huge day with thousands of workers taking part around the country so make sure you've got the venue & time details right by checking here.

There's a lot at stake.

Together we will fight for a country where workers' rights are protected, where there is universal healthcare and education, where everyone enjoys a secure retirement and where everyone gets a fair go.

We will not accept governments - State or Federal - attacking the living standards that were built by generations of union members.

Amplify your participation

Your attendance at a rally is a great show of strength but you can make your voice even louder by posting about your rally on your social media accounts. Please use #March4 to tag your posts so everyone can see them!

And take a selfie! By yourself, with your mates, with a new rally friend, take a photo to show you're there and post it on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or your social network of choice with #March4 #SolidaritySelfie

You can also text your selfie to the ACTU for inclusion in a massive rally mosaic they will produce on 0438 978 582.

Can't attend but want to show your support?

150303-march4-nda-howtogetpostersFor our supporters who would love to attend a rally but for whatever reason can't make it, you can still participate through social media. Download a poster, add your reason for supporting, and take a selfie. Then post it on your social networks with #March4 & #SolidaritySelfie.

You can also follow the hashtags for online coverage of the rallies and retweet/share your favourite posts – this will make sure everyone hears the crowds roar whether they are at a rally or not!

Remember, it's up to us to stand up to defend our living standards and our rights.

On Wednesday we will be sending a clear message to the Federal Liberal Government that we want a big change of direction, not just a change of leader.

Together we can build a better future – see you tomorrow!

Some other things you can do make the message heard far and wide

  • Change your Facebook avatar to show your are either attending or supporting the rallies.
  • Follow the ASU's Facebook and Twitter accounts and like, retweet, share, etc posts – this makes an enormous difference to how many people (including politicians!) hear our message.
  • If you follow the ASU on Facebook, turn on notifications so you see ASU posts to support them with likes, shares and comments (pull down the menu under the "Liked" button at the top of the ASU FB Page and select "Get notifications").
  • Our Queensland colleagues have organised a Thunderclap which you can sign up for right now to automatically post a message tomorrow when most of the rallies are on.

And remember, this is only one part of the campaign to ensure our rights at work and our living standards are protected. The ASU and the union movement in general will be fighting hard this year to defend what previous generations of members have won through persistence and collective action. Join us!



Contact Details
Name: David Smith, ASU National Secretary
Telephone: 03 9342 1400