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Rights at Work

New economic analysis shows the Government can improve the budget bottom line without introducing unfair budget measures that target vulnerable Australians and increase inequality. As the Parliament resumes this week to debate the Federal Budget, figures in the latest ACTU Economic Bulletin show Australia redistributes less income than the majority…
The ASU has told public hearings into child care reform that we oppose any watering down of qualifications or regulations that protect the best interests of children. The hearings are occurring around the country following the publication of the Productivity Commission's Draft Report on Childcare and Early Childhood Learning. The…
Minister Ian Macfarlane is letting down the industries he is meant to represent by failing to include anyone from unions or the TAFE sector on the new Vocational Education Training (VET) advisory board announced today. "There is not one person chosen to represent the interests of students or workers –…
Reports of widespread fraud in the 457 visa scheme reinforces concerns unions have about abuse of the scheme. "Unions have always had concerns that employers were abusing the 457 visa program to bring in cheaper labour from overseas," said ACTU Secretary Dave Oliver. "Now we have reports that the 457…
“I HAD to get the children out. I was left with no money, everything taken away from me. I felt less than a person; the emotional abuse is constant. I cannot afford to lose it, I am the sole carer for my children.” By TANIE HARRIS-SANSEYRead this on Working Life…
The Human Rights Commission's report into pregnancy and return to work highlights the need for the Government to strengthen workplace laws to stop discrimination against women at work. "The ACTU and unions requested this review because growing numbers of our members tell us they are being discriminated against at work…
This week, amidst hectic political manoeuvrings over various Abbott Government proposals, the Senate saw through its privatisation push, amending their bill substantially. It is a start at stopping the states and territories being economically blackmailed to privatise their assets with a 15% bonus - well done Senators for seeing through…
Unions welcome today's publication of the interim report of the Financial System Inquiry. ACTU Assistant Secretary Tim Lyons said unions have long argued that Australia needs a more efficient financial system. "Australia needs a financial system geared to supporting job-rich investment and better retirement incomes rather than generating huge profits…
    Unions will this week be reminding Australian workers to check they are not missing out on wage increases which should have automatically come into effect at the start of the new financial year. >>> ASU members who need assistance checking their pay, please contact your workplace delegate or…
Australian workers and their families will march in rallies around the nation today to call on Tony Abbott to keep Australia fair and dump his vision of a harsher and less equal Australia. >> To find out about the ASU's involvement in the "Bust The Budget" rallies see: ASU at…