Local Government
Creative Australia, 18 years after Creative Nation
22 March 2013
The ASU welcomes the Gillard Government launch of the National Cultural Policy. "Creative Australia" will reform Australian Government support for the arts, cultural heritage and creative industries. In welcoming the Government's announcement on the National Cultural Policy, ASU Assistant National Secretary, Greg McLean said, "Bringing the opportunity for local government…
Early Childhood Educators get a boost
20 March 2013
The ASU welcomes the Gillard Government making a $300 million commitment to boost quality early childhood education and care and establishment of the Pay Equity Unit of the Fair Work Commission. In welcoming the Government's announcement, ASU Assistant National Secretary, Greg McLean acknowledged, "This is an important step in the…
VIC: Wyndham Council staff to walk off the job
07 March 2013
Australian Services Union members at Wyndham City Council will walk off the job starting tomorrow (Friday, March 8) after a mass meeting held today threw further support behind five unfairly sacked council workers. The strike comes on the back of already-implemented work bans at the council, after management were found…
ASU acts to ensure local government access to federal funding
13 February 2013
The ASU has clarified with the Minister for Local Government that "unintended consequences" arising from the use of different terminology in different states in relation to grants and funding matters will not impact the equitable access to funding by local governments. In recent times some state governments have believed their…
2nd National Local Government Indigenous Employment Roundtable
10 January 2013
The 2nd National Local Government Indigenous Employment Roundtable was held in Alice Springs on 3-4 December 2012. This information can be viewed on the ACELG website Convened by Local Government Managers Australia (LGMA), a consortium partner of the Australian Centre of Excellence for Local Government (ACELG), the Roundtable drew together…
Local govt workforce survey now underway – why is it important to both employers and employees?
12 December 2012
The Australian Center for Excellence in Local Government (ACELG) has released the most comprehensive industry survey of any industry in Australia for local government. The survey has the support of the most state jurisdictions and the Federal Government, plus local government ministers, but all local councils in all states can…
ASU response to Fed Opposition proposal for child care review
19 November 2012
The ASU is surprised to hear of the Federal Opposition proposal for review of child care to retain existing funding parameters. Child care educators are beginning to report that the operational framework for quality child care still does nothing to recognise quality educators. Early childhood educators are proud to be…
The future of child care is in local government
16 November 2012
In 2012, the ASU participated in the Federal Government round table on child care and advocated recognition of ASU early childhood educators. The ASU stands with other unions in calling for better professional wages and adequate funding from the Federal Government. Recently, the ASU Child Care Survey was finalised concerning…
Constitutional recognition of local government – update
25 October 2012
The ASU has joined the support for the Minister for Regional Australia, Regional Development and Local Government Simon Crean to take the next step towards local government constitutional recognition by establishing a bipartisan Committee of Members of the Federal Parliament. This Committee will take forward the report of the Expert…
The ASU has been invited to participate in the review of the "Children's and Youth Services Qualifications" by the Community Services & Health Industry Skills Council. The qualifications would be held by members working in community services areas of local government. Those interested in the qualification review should contact the…