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Under the EBA existing full-time and part-time Virgin staff members are entitled to 3 Recognition Days for each year of the Agreement. Recognition Days will be credited in December 2013, December 2014, and December 2015. It is important to remember that Recognition Days must be used within 12 months of…
The fight to protect our rights at work from the current assault via the Fair Work Amendment Bill continues. The vote in the Senate has been delayed which means we have more time to convince the cross bench Senators to support workers' rights. Two pieces of great news: Independent Senator…
The Government and Labor's support for the Korea-Australia Free Trade Agreement gives a potential greenlight for imports made in the misery of North Korean prison camps. ACTU President Ged Kearney said the Korea-Australian Free Trade Agreement goes against the core values of the ALP. "This disgraceful deal will not only…
The community has been told over many years that outsourcing council work results in savings that the community benefits from. However, yet another independent report has revealed those savings to be "often illusory" and the exercise accompanied by "a host of unforseen problems". In the wake of these findings (that…
ASU members would be forgiven for thinking that the telephone sales strategy is being made up as they go along. The conflicting information we have been given since the closure of the Melbourne and Brisbane centres was announced certainly supports this contention and the meeting between your ASU reps and…
The ASU has been advised this morning by Qantas that it is now their intention to put more telephone sales jobs in Auckland instead of in Hobart as was initially promised (see the attached letter). Now Qantas says that the company is "segmenting" the business so that Hobart will become…
Ahead of the People's Climate March on 21 September in New York City, PSI General Secretary, Rosa Pavanelli, and author and activist Naomi Klein talk about Climate Change, Energy Democracy and the role of trade unions. Read this item on the PSI website here The meeting was part of a…
As a result of three deaths at Menzies Aviation facilities in Los Angeles since 2006, global action has been launched this week to demand safe conditions for airport workers everywhere and to show solidarity with the bereaved families of airport workers. ASU National Airlines Division Council (NADC) delegates showed their…
ASU delegates and officials met with Qantas management for another update on Friday 12 September 2014 in Melbourne. We discussed a range of issues including the update on the EOI numbers, Hobart recruitment, training, career transition support, the redeployment process, and Melbourne–Brisbane transfers. The company is putting in place a…
Following the fantastic response to the ASU's survey inquiring into your views of the Productivity Commission's Draft Report on Childcare and Early Childhood Learning, we were well equipped to provide the Union's final response to it via a submission lodged last Friday. We now await the Commission's final report due…