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The ASU is incredibly concerned with today’s media reports that Bain are abandoning their commitment to keep Virgin a full service airline, supporting a workforce of 6,000. We have today sought an urgent briefing from Bain seeking clarification on the commitments Bain gave to the workforce and to the public…
Your ASU wrote to Flight Centre (FCTG) about placing untenable conditions on your entitlement to a redundancy.A copy of our letter to Victoria Harris is attached to this Bulletin. ASU may dispute Flight Centre’s approach Flight Centre have not responded to our letter (copy attached). Instead, the Company wrote to…
Your ASU arranged a meeting with company HR representative Victoria Harris. We wanted to give the group every opportunity to explain their worrying change process to a new store structure. Victoria Harris has confirmed the following details about their Expression Of Interest (EOI) process to fill the following estimates of…
ASU members have Saved Equal Pay! On Tuesday night the Federal Government announced that they would lift base funding in Department of Social Services Grants to cover the costs for Equal Pay wages won by ASU members in 2012.  From 1 July 2021, the Federal Government has committed to more…
The Morrison Federal Government on Tuesday handed down the 2020 Federal Budget. So what does it all mean for you? Your union, the ASU has had experts locked away in the Government’s budget lockup so that we can bring you exclusive insight and analysis about what the budget means for…
You will have been called to attend a briefing from the Company yesterday to hear their announcement. We know that you may be concerned about this announcement, but we want to assure you that your union is with you throughout this process. A large number of Flight Centre employees have…
The Federal Government has made some important changes to JobKeeper. The good news is that the JobKeeper Payment scheme has been extended until 28 March 2021 to ensure more Australians can stay in jobs and more businesses can survive the economic fallout of this pandemic. However, the bad news is…
At the consultation meeting on Monday, 21 September, ASU delegates and organisers pushed the company to do the right thing by employees and offer voluntary redundancies before forcing loyal employees out the door. Management says no, despite acknowledging their selection process ‘isn’t perfect’. There are serious problems with the compulsory…
On Monday, 21 September the CEO of dnata Catering emailed employees to announce that the company had decided to make number of employees redundant. The ASU met with dnata on Monday afternoon to start the consultation process. Approximately 40 indirect/support roles and 40 manager/senior manager roles are affected by the…
The Australian Services Union is proud to announce Emeline Gaske will be its new Assistant National Secretary. Emeline comes to the role with deep experience at the union, currently leading the national communications and campaigns team. She has played a key leadership role on the strategy and negotiations with Virgin…