ASU news
ASU lodges Stand Down dispute
20 January 2021
The ASU has lodged a Stand Down dispute with Jetstar in the Fair Work Commission because the airline continues to make last minute changes to rosters, as well as recall staff to work at short notice – sometimes to work single shifts. Jetstar has also reneged on commitments made to…
07 January 2021
ASU members have raised a number of urgent concerns about the way rosters are being managed in local ports. ASU officials met with Virgin today to raise your concerns including issues with unworkable roster patterns, unpredictable hours of work, ability to opt out of rosters, as well as recognition of…
TODAY ASU members win! ALL associated degrees for Social and community services workers now protected by the Professional Pathway and will be exempt from government fee increases. Earlier this year the Federal government proposed DOUBLING university fees for community services degrees (e.g. Social Work, Human Services, Mental Health, Social Sciences,…
VOTE YES! Voting is now open for our Virgin Agreement
10 December 2020
The formal process to finalise our Virgin Australia and ASU Guest Services and GCC Enterprise Agreement 2020 is underway. The proposed agreement now must be voted on by employees. ASU members have fought hard together and recommend voting YES. Well done to all ASU delegates and members for coming together…
Tax officers take ATO HR bosses to Federal Court
09 December 2020
The Australian Services Union has issued proceedings in the Fair Work Division of the Federal Court for breach of workplace laws against the Commonwealth Government, the Commissioner of Taxation as head of the Australian Taxation Office, ATO Chief Operating Officer Jacqui Curtis, Deputy Commissioners of Taxation Jeremy Geale and Bradley…
ASU – AIRPORTS AND LOUNGES UPDATE On 3 December, ASU representatives met with Qantas management to discuss the proposed restructure of Airports. Qantas continues to say skilled customer service professionals at Airports and Lounges will be made redundant, but it can’t answer basic questions about the new ‘innovations’ they say…
ASU members achieve in-principle Virgin Agreement & Next Steps
03 December 2020
ASU members have now agreed in-principle to the proposed Virgin Australia and ASU Guest Services and GCC Enterprise Agreement 2020 which will shortly go out to a vote. Well done to all ASU delegates and members for coming together and working hard to retain decent, secure jobs and conditions that…
ASU Amnesty International Bargaining Update
30 November 2020
On Thursday, 26 November, your ASU Bargaining Team met with representatives of AIA management to continue negotiations for a new enterprise agreement. Management has told us that they hope to finish discussions before the Board Meeting on 15 December. We think that’s doable, but we need your feedback on the…
30 November 2020
Qantas has announced that it will outsource below wing work (ramp, baggage and aircraft presentation) at 10 Australian airports. We understand that Qantas considered a TWU-led in-house bid, but rejected that proposal because it did not offer enough cost-savings to the company. We stand in solidarity with all workers affected…
Jetstar rostering update
12 November 2020
We’ve called on Jetstar to adopt a set of measures to fix front of house (FOH) rostering and make it fair! SIGN & SHARE PETITION: ASU delegates and organisers met with Jetstar on Friday 6 and Tuesday, 10 November to hear their response to measures. At the last meeting on…