ASU news
Your JobSeeker Questions, Answered
23 March 2021
Recently, the Federal Government have made changes to both JobKeeper and JobSeeker. The Federal Government have confirmed they will not extend JobKeeper beyond the 28th of March 2021 leaving many workers uncertain about their future. We’ve put together the most up to date information about JobSeeker to answer some questions…
Australian Services Union Launch Our Union Story
19 March 2021
Our members told us what they want from our union – we listened and we want to share this with you. You’ll be seeing new things from us from now on. YOU make our union what it is, and together we fight and deliver for all of our members. Our…
17 March 2021
In January, the ASU lodged a dispute in the Fair Work Commission following the company abandoning agreed rostering principles over the Christmas holiday period. Following lodgement of the dispute we continued to meet with the Company and work through the issues. Key issues The key issues to resolve included: how…
BEFORE the pandemic hit, Australian airlines carried roughly five million passengers on domestic routes each month. The Morrison government’s announcement of 800,000 discounted airline tickets as a replacement for the axed JobKeeper program is therefore being rightfully treated with scorn and anger – it represents less than two weeks of…
Don’t Close the Door – Save Homelessness Services
16 March 2021
Today the ASU launched our campaign with members across Australia to Save Homelessness Services and demand the Federal Government – Don’t Close the Door! The Federal Government is set to cut funding to homelessness services by over $50million. This is because they are refusing to continue to cover the costs…
Government turns its back on airline workers
11 March 2021
The Australian Services Union today condemned the Federal Government’s replacement for JobKeeper as “welfare for business”. Emeline Gaske, Assistant National Secretary of the Australian Services Union - the largest union representing workers in the aviation industry - said the Government’s decision not to tie industry assistance to jobs was a…
Shift cancellations due to lockdown/border closures
11 March 2021
ASU delegates and officials have been meeting regularly with Virgin to deal with member concerns about shift cancellations due to lockdown/border closures and other resourcing issues. While we all hope that there will be no further snap lockdowns and border closures, and that Virgin’s flying schedule will become more predictable,…
Qantas results show JobKeeper extension & AviationKeeper needed NOW
25 February 2021
Today Qantas released their half year revenue figures publically. What this shows is the urgent need for government action across aviation in Australia to Keep Australia Flying. JobKeeper and a loyal workforce have kept Qantas going through the COVID-19 crisis. But the crisis in aviation is not over. We need…
Keep Australia Flying – campaign launch
23 February 2021
The ASU is campaigning for ongoing income support and wage subsidies for the aviation sector to make sure aviation workers and our industry are supported through this crisis and the COVID-19 recovery. We have launched our campaign to Keep Australia Flying because nobody should be left behind by this crisis.…
28 January 2021
ASU members are very concerned about recent announcements regarding redundancies in Virgins Corporate and Head Office teams. Yesterday, Virgin announced 350 redundancies at its Corporate and Head Office in Brisbane. We condemn this decision and the way the announcement was handled. The company made the announcement before notifying the ASU…