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General ASU News

In order to stand up for the rights of future workers in the Federal Government's Green Army, the ASU has lodged a submission with the Senate's Inquiry. The Green Army is the Federal Government's work for the dole scheme connected to environmental concerns and issues. As proposed, many of the…
Working Life is a news source for all workers, bringing you a range of stories. Read it, print it, share it! The latest is a special Budget edition and includes the following: Hockey takes axe to the social wage; Abbott and Hockey's lost generation; Hockey's horrorshow will hurt battlers most;…
Unions fear the implications of last night's Budget will be felt for years to come with young job seekers among those most significantly impacted. ACTU President Ged Kearney said, "The so-called budget for everyone will hurt some much more than others." "By removing the safety net for young job seekers,…
The Abbott Government's first Budget signals the end of the Aussie fair go, unions said tonight. "The Abbott Government's assault on welfare, Medicare, education and the public sector represents the end of the fair go and the biggest attack on the social wage this country has ever seen," ACTU President…
PENNY Carr is co-ordinator of the Tenants' Union of Queensland, and was named Delegate of the Year at the ACTU National Union Awards in Melbourne last month. She has been a member of The Services Union since 1993 and has been actively engaged in campaigning for the industrial and working…
Working Life is a news source for all workers, bringing you a range of stories. Read it, print it, share it! The latest edition includes the following: Public backs raising the minimum wage; Finance sector's gender pay gap is a continuing scandal; More 457 visa abuses as Government loosens rules; Public servants told-…
The ASU is pleased the Federal Government has heeded concerns from the union movement, superannuation funds, seniors groups, consumer group Choice and financial advisors themselves, amongst many others, about their plans to change Future of Financial Advice (FoFA) consumer protection laws. Finance Minister Mathias Cormann announced yesterday that he will…
Last night at the union movement's annual ACTU Awards, ASU delegate from our Queensland (Services & Northern Administrative) Branch, Penny Carr, won the ACTU Delegate of the Year Award. The ASU congratulates Penny for her award that recognises her sterling contribution to workers' advancement. We also extend congratulations to all…
Laws to remove consumer protections in financial services being introduced to parliament by the Federal Government today would see working people get ripped off by big banks, unions said today. >> Sign the petition to Tony Abbott ACTU President Ged Kearney said the Abbott Government's move to water down the…

Vale Kath Nelson

17 March 2014
After a battle with leukaemia, ASU leader Kath Nelson passed away last Friday. Kath was both the ASU National Vice President as well as the Secretary of our Queensland (Services and Northern Administrative) Branch (also known as The Services Union). Her innovative leadership and vibrant spirit will be sorely missed,…