All Airlines News
QF EBA 10 preparations begin
24 October 2012
At the recent national meeting of ASU Qantas delegates it was resolved to commence our preparations for our Qantas EBA 10 this year. As a result our Qantas EBA 10 ASU survey has now been released to enable staff to express a view about what we should claim in this…
Update on ownership changes at AaE and StarTrack
02 October 2012
One of the worst kept secrets in Australian Aviation about the change of ownership of AaE and StarTrack has now been made public. Qantas announced today that it is to buy out Australia Post's share of AaE and Australia Post will buy out the Qantas share of StarTrack, once the…
Jetstar payroll under review
26 September 2012
ASU delegates met with the company recently to discuss a range of issues arising from the errors made in issuing the Jetstar group certificates. It now appears that Jetstar has taken on board our general feedback over many years that has highlighted the problems with the company's payroll system as…
Back to the table at Eastern
14 September 2012
ASU reps have gone back to the bargaining table with Qantaslink/Eastern management after the first EBA proposal was not supported by staff. Your National Negotiating Team (NNT) met with management on 5th and 13th September 2012 to discuss a revised agreement. Management has advised that it is their intention to…
11 years on Ansett workers’ super still unclaimed
12 September 2012
Today is the eleventh anniversary of Ansett going into administration and we are remembering the long journey it took Ansett workers to recoup their entitlements. We also want to take the opportunity to remind former Ansett workers to claim their super and how to do it. This information on claiming…
Jetstar Group Certificates Mess Update
16 August 2012
The ASU has made representations to Jetstar about refunding the additional costs that staff have incurred to resubmit tax returns because of the incorrect 2011-2012 group certificates Jetstar issued. Initially Jetstar told staff that reimbursements for accounting costs for this work would be $100. After our representations on this issue…