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Public Sector

ASU delegates have been ensuring that standards in the ALP’s new National Code of Conduct will be advanced through multiple forums currently reviewing support for MOP(S). Before Kate Jenkins from the AHRC was appointed to conduct an independent inquiry, ASU delegates were taking the lead in Canberra on urgent change…
The message from the community has been loud and clear during the deliberations of the People’s Inquiry into Privatisation: take back control of public services! After public hearings all over Australia last year, taking written submissions from individuals as well as affected organisations, and commissioning research, the People’s Inquiry is…
The Turnbull Government has backed down from demanding Essential Services infrastructure be covered by the ABCC Building Code. Employment Minister Cash has revised the code to exempt any building related to essential services. For the ASU this includes work engaged by members in the energy, water and local government essential…
Remunicipalisation. It’s a big word for a big job, picking-up the pieces from numerous failed attempts to privatise public services originally supplied by local governments. It is the name of the process the City of Paris went through in bringing their water service back in house seven years ago. Long…
On International Public Service Day, just about the only public servants to be rewarded under the Malcolm Turnbull Federal Government are politicians. They will receive a 2% pay increase on 1 July along with a tax cut with the removal of the high earners' levy. For Mr Turnbull, that's an…
The recent report of the Productivity Commission Inquiry that identified community services (including to the most vulnerable Australians and Indigenous people in remote areas) along with public hospitals, dental services, grants for family services, social housing and palliative care, as areas to introduce competition through privatisation, has reignited the debate…
The impact on ordinary Australians of privatising essential public assets and services will be examined in a People’s Inquiry launched today by the global union Public Services International (PSI), of which the ASU is an affiliate. The People’s Inquiry into Privatisation will examine in detail community concerns, including those recently…
The 2016 federal election is about priorities. Whether $50 billion of taxpayers’ money is best used on corporate tax cuts or on health, education and infrastructure investment. In this report we demystify the issues for our members and supporters so you can be well-informed at the ballot box. The ASU…
Despite being the reason for calling a double dissolution election, the Australian Building and Construction Commission (ABCC) has been barely mentioned by the Liberal Government during the protracted election campaign, however the Union for local government, energy and water sector workers needs to alert the community that chaos may follow…
At meeting #6 for your new Enterprise Agreement, Ministerial and Parliamentary Services (M&PS) reported back on a unanimous request of Unions and Bargaining Representatives to consider a 3% interim pay increase in recognition of the significant disadvantage to staff of the current 2 year pay freeze. The 5th and 6th…
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